Who We Are

Together for Children is here to enhance the lives of children by strengthening families through parent education, parent/child interaction and community support.

Rosa Cendejas | Parent Educator

Rosa is a mother of 4 and a grandmother of 5 and she has a deep passion for helping caregivers nurture, communicate, and care for their children. Growing up in a large family, she understands the importance of strong family bonds and effective communication. Raised in a Hispanic and American home, she is bilingual in both languages and is helping TFC promote cultural understanding and support to families from diverse backgrounds.

Rosa Cendejas together for children Parent Educator

Abbie Rexroad | Program Coordinator

Abbie is a Kansas native and an adventurer at heart, although she feels most at home in Oregon. She is passionate about inclusion, kid’s yoga and meditation, and working with children and families in a variety of settings. Abbie brings over 2 decades of experience working in education and with non-profit organizations. She brings her community connections and sense of adventure to create collaborations and creative ways to connect with families inside our community.

Abbie Rexroad Together For Children Program Coordinator

Angela Spaid | Executive Director

Angela is a mother of two boys, aged 10 and 8, who has over a decade of leadership experience in the non-profit sector, with most of her time spent on humanitarian aid in Africa. She believes passionately in the importance of early childhood development, and the importance of connection and support during the early parenting years.

Angela Spaid Together For Children Executive Director

Edie Jones | Board Director

Edie has been with Together For Children since 1991 as a Facilitator, Parent Educator, and Executive Director and currently is the Chair of the TFC Board. She has a degree in Recreation from Washington State University and a Master's in Adult Education from Oregon State University. She is the mother of 4 adult children and the grandmother of 7 who believes profoundly in the value of the family and the importance of helping parents be the best they can be. She sings in her church choir, has published two books, and cherishes her time with Walker, her Goldendoodle.

Edie Jones Together For Children Board Director

Board Members

Edie Jones, Char Reynolds, Laurie Farley, Kelly Cyrus

Together For Children Board Members

TFC's Board of Directors meets monthly to support the ongoing operations of the non-profit. Our Board members are active in the community and believe in the program's ability to reduce the stress of parenting and provide a support system to young families.  Board Members usually serve terms of 1 to 3 years, though several of our board members have served for numerous terms due to their commitment to our program. 

Want to make an impact in the lives of young children? 

  • “I always knew I’d be a loving dad. You (Together for Children) taught me to be a thinking dad…These last years have been the most rewarding years of my life!”

    Kirk Jacobsen

  • “My three years with TFC was an excellent experience for me as a mother…..The tools and skills I learned over these years have made me into a much more confident and capable parent.”

    mom of 3 ½ year old Matthew and 15 month old Jake

Learn how we’ve been strengthening Central Oregon families since 1988